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(Greek πάντα ῥεῖ, „everything flows") Omnia mutantur, nihil interit ("everything changes, nothing perishes"),
by Ovid in his Metamorphoses.

Terms and Conditions (GTC)

Terms and Conditions (GTC) for pure consulting services.

§ 1 Domain

(Hereinafter referred to as "consulting firm") These Terms and Conditions (GTC) (hereinafter referred to as "clients") and a consulting company GLC Partners GmbH for all business transactions with customers. The Terms are automatically recognized by clients in hiring of consulting services.

§ 2 contract award, performance

1. Basis of the business relationship is the relevant Advisory Agreement, the consulting firm certified by the order in which the scope of services and the remuneration to be fixed.

2. The client, the consulting firm orders by mail, provide e-mail and fax, but also orally, by telephone or in person. Also takes the consulting firm against informal orders. The client receives after order an order confirmation via e-mail. This confirmation of order is accepted and came into existence as the consulting agreement.

3. In case of special need consulting company is entitled to engage external consultants as agreed with the client. For this purpose, any additional costs be imposed pursuant to § 3 the client into account. The business relationship in these cases continue between consulting firm and the client, unless otherwise agreed.

4. Updates and modifications of offers and contracts are fixed-determined by both parties in writing and as a supplementary agreement part of the contractual relationship between the consultant and the client.

§ 3 Remuneration

Depending on the agreement - - In addition to any fees for the services of consulting firm the VAT of 19% and additional costs such as travel costs, travel costs, expenses, etc. charged.

§ 4 payment due date

1. The claim of the consulting firm for payment of invoice is created for each individual service as soon as it was rendered by consulting firm. Any additional desired by clients additional services from consulting company that are not expressly stipulated in the order indicated, fringe benefits, which are paid for separately.

2. Payments shall be made in accordance with the established payment terms. Unless otherwise specified, the invoice amount is due to be paid in full within 14 days. In case of overdue the consulting company is entitled to charge interest at the rate of 4% above the rate into account.

3. The client is not entitled to withhold or offset payments, not because of complaints or counterclaims.

§ 5 power deadlines, dates

1. Performance times may be only approximate times and expected delivery dates, which are given to the best of my knowledge and belief. It is the aim of the consulting firm to comply with its defined benefit plans and performance times, but all information without obligation. Force majeure and involuntary difficulties, particularly transport and malfunctions, may postpone the performance, even if already delayed performance should be entered.

2. Failure to comply with a deadline entitles the client only to assert his legal rights if he has the consulting firm set a reasonable extension.

§ 6 Obligation of the client

The client provides the consulting firm all documents, information and materials available in advance required for the execution of the order.

§ 7 Secrecy clause

Consulting firm is obliged to maintain confidentiality about all their knowledge in the context of the consultancy services operational, business and private affairs. This obligation of confidentiality shall apply equally to the agents of the consulting firm.

The obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination of the contract and can be canceled in writing only by the clients themselves. In addition, consulting firm is obliged to keep the for the purpose of consulting activities provided documents carefully and protected against access by third parties.

§ 8 Limitation of Liability

1. The consultant shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever (eg power failure, natural events or disruptions), network and server failures, line and transmission faults, viruses or interference with the mail path caused by force majeure. For the final review of all transmitted data or consigned the client is responsible.

2. The consultant also accepts no liability for any damage to hardware and software of the client, which is caused by the unwitting transmission of documents by e-mail, which have been infected by a virus. 3. The consultant is required to perform the assigned tasks with technical and commercial diligence in good faith. Nevertheless consulting firm shall not be liable in the event that the success of an action it proposes behind the client's expectations remains.

4. The consultant shall not be liable in particular for damages and consequential damages, provided by the clients or third parties have provided to it materials, documents or information changed or falsified.

5. The liability of the consulting firm is limited to intent and gross negligence and for breach of cardinal obligations. In the consulting firm recognized complaint, the consulting firm reserves the right to grant additional or replacement power or value of credit in its sole discretion. All other compensation claims are, as far as legally permissible.

§ 9 Defects

1. With the power of the client is satisfied when claims do not immediately, within 14 days after receipt, be made in writing. General standard changes or discrepancies in the power design are no grounds for complaint by clients, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

2. liabilities that are based on the third party to infringe a copyright or claims the consulting firm does not accept.

§ 10 Severability clause

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions be or become invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The invalid provision will be replaced by a provision which comes as the will and interest of both parties to the extent legally permissible.

§ 11 Applicable Law

The legal relationship between the client and consulting firm is exclusively governed by German law.

§ 12 Place of performance and jurisdiction

1. Place of performance is the seat of the consulting firm in Munich.

2. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from consulting firm and the client disputes in Munich locally competent for the seat of the consulting firm court agreed.

§ 13 Miscellaneous

Are of particular pages of the client Performance & Payment required that differ from those mentioned in these Terms and Conditions, the consulting firm does not recognize this. With the order confirmation, or the performance of the consulting firm they are expressly rejected. A silence on the part of the consultant does not imply endorsement. By accepting the services provided by the consulting firm services the client expressly acknowledges that it waives any objection, after which the terms and conditions of the consulting firm to be contradicted in advance by the terms of the contract of the client.